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brilliant colorful bookcover

Creative Heroes

“The possibilities are now endless, aren’t they?”

Jack Gallon, Creative Director, MBA

Xerox technologies give you stunning new ways to deliver creative ideas in print. Hear from designers already working successfully Beyond CMYK and those recently inspired. Learn about new digital print embellishment techniques, new ways of collaborating, and, best of all, new opportunities that will inspire more brilliant print creative.

Create opportunity.

A designer/print service provider team in the UK collaborate to improve the quality and quantity of their projects.

Ben Glazier, Glazier Design

Glen Robins, Instant Print W1

How can collaboration create new possibilities? YouTube Video
Jak firma Kanovits přenesla nové možnosti do reality? YouTube Video

Making new possibilities a reality.

Kanovits Print inspires customers with incredible Beyond CMYK design techniques.

Zoltan Kanovits, Kanovits Print

Attract and engage.

Print embellishments provide a valuable way to differentiate and attract new clients.

Zoltan Kanovits, Kanovits Print

Mohou tištěné „ozdobné“ prvky opravdu přitáhnout nové klienty? YouTube Video
Hobs Group: What if creativity had no boundaries? YouTube Video

Accelerating Beyond CMYK Success.

A stunning new reference book helps designers see what’s possible with Beyond CMYK print.

Hobs Group

Read the story

Making Marketing More Personal.

XMPie® can blend customer insights with creative to deliver uniquely compelling campaigns.

Peppers Marketing

Peppers Uses Xerox XMPie Software for Personalized Marketing Campaigns YouTube Video

Get started with Beyond CMYK printing today:

Stylized picture of a wolf with gold metallic ink

Seeing is believing

Poznejte řešení produkčního tisku nad rámec barev CMYK.

Green Dragon window sticker, printed on a Xerox Iridesse Press

Print Your Designs

Find a digital print partner who is ready to produce your vision.
