Print Security Trends 2022
Seven key priorities to secure your print infrastructure
Despite the widespread growth of digitisation and remote work, two thirds of organisations still rely heavily on printing – a reliance which can create security vulnerabilities. 68% of organisations reported print-related data losses last year, with the average cost topping an eye-watering £600,000. With only 26% of IT Decision Makers completely confident that their print infrastructure is protected, it's time to adopt a Zero Trust approach.
This report from Quocirca outlines seven key insights to help you protect your print endpoints in a hybrid working environment. A leading global market insight and research firm, Quocirca specialise in analysing the convergence of print and digital technologies in the workplace. Their insights are based on the views of 531 IT Decision Makers from SMBs, mid-size organisations, and large enterprises.
Read about how Xerox is well equipped to help you keep up with print security challenges in a hybrid workplace.
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Sikkerhed er kritisk for alle virksomheder, og det tager vi alvorligt hos Xerox. [på engelsk]
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Managed Print Services
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