Xerox Named to Corporate Knights’ 100 Most Sustainable Corporations List for Fourth Consecutive Year
Xerox’s commitment to innovating for a better tomorrow has earned the company recognition as one of this year’s Corporate Knights’ Global 100 most sustainable corporations in the world. For the fourth consecutive year, Xerox made the list that continues to be one of the world’s most valued and transparent rules-based sustainability ranking.
“At Xerox, behaving responsibly as a global citizen is an inextricable part of our heritage, and we uphold the highest ideals of integrity, innovation, and excellence in all we do. We're grateful to be recognised by Corporate Knights for four consecutive years as we continue to work towards our sustainability goals to deliver on these ideals,” said Wendi Latko, vice president of Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability at Xerox.
Coming in at 77 puts Xerox ahead of nearly 7,000 other large companies assessed by Corporate Knights, which considers factors like clean revenue from products, waste reduction, carbon use, and energy intensity.
Learn more about Xerox’s corporate social responsibility efforts in our most recent Corporate Social Responsibility report.
Aiheeseen liittyviä tarinoita

Xerox vastaanottaa ENERGY STAR® -ohjelman suurimman kunnianosoituksen
Xeroxin innovaatiohistoria auttaa tekemään maailmasta kestävämmän kehityksen paikan, ja sillä on kunnia saada 2022 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year -palkinto.

Xerox vastaanottaa HRH Walesin prinssin Terra Carta -sinetin
Xerox saa tunnustusta maailmanlaajuisena yrityksenä, joka edistää innovaatiota ja osoittaa sitoumusta kestävien markkinoiden luomiseen sekä Terra Carta -elvytyssuunnitelman tavoitteiden mukaiseen toimintaan.

Yhdistyneet kansakunnat ja DEFRA e-Alliance tekevät yhteistyötä Xeroxin kanssa hiilijalanjälkien vähentämiseksi
YK valitsi COP26-konferenssiin Xerox-laitteet, jotka on sertifioitu täyttämään kansainvälisesti hyväksytyt tietoturva- ja kestävyysstandardit.
Hyödylliset artikkelit
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Xerox Innovative Products & Services Awards
Discover Xerox industry leading products & services, with awards like the Pacesetter and Keypoint Intelligence – Buyers Lab given for their innovative solutions.
Xerox Named One of America’s Most Responsible Companies by Newsweek
Xerox is featured among the top 500 largest public companies in the U.S. for the fourth consecutive year.