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Infographic of an iceberg in the ocean, showing what's under the surface as well as the part above water

The Total Cost of Ownership of an Inkjet Press

Avoid hidden costs lurking below the surface

When it comes to buying an inkjet press, there are many potential costs to consider. It’s no fun to learn that what you thought was the final cost, didn’t actually include hidden fees like installation and training, or that ink costs were calculated in kilograms, not litres.

This handbook will help guide you with the right questions to ask your vendor to make sure you are receiving a transparent view of the proposal and calculating the true economic benefit of an inkjet press. Avoid being blind-sided with hidden costs, and download the guide now.

Hidden costs lurking below the surface

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Get the full story and learn the questions you should ask your vendor

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Get the full story and learn the questions you should ask your vendor.


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