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Keypoint Intelligence — Buyers Lab, Inc. (BLI) PaceSetter Awards 2020–2021 for Managed Print Services and Business Process Services

Xerox’s Managed Print Services (MPS) and Digital Services (BPS) have each won a Buyer’s Lab, Inc. PaceSetter 2020–2021 Award. Buyers Lab PaceSetter awards recognize document imaging OEMs that have shown market leadership in various categories including technology, services, and key vertical markets. Xerox is the only OEM who received this award for more than one Managed Print Services category.

Logo for BLI PaceSetter Award 2020–2021 in Managed Print Services

BLI PaceSetter Award 2020–2021 in Managed Print Services

From the BLI Article: “Xerox was recognised for its dedication to helping organisations of any size optimise their print and document infrastructure, while also enabling digital transformation through both its direct salesforce and channel partners. In addition to having FedRAMP compliance, Xerox’s cloud-based MPS infrastructure facilitates a consistent user experience across offices and home workplaces via customisable UI and apps, omni-channel support options, and analytics highlighting digital transformation opportunities.”

Read full BLI article View award certificate

bli pace setter award xerox bps 2020 2021 logo

BLI PaceSetter Award 2020–2021 in Business Process Services

From the BLI Article: “The company’s BPS portfolio is built around Managed Print Services plus a range of digital services that leverages its software capabilities in workflow automation, personalisation and communication software, content management solutions and digitization services. For example, the Xerox® DocuShare® Flex Content Management Platform is a cloud-based software-as-a-service (Saas) application that gives employees quick and secure access to individual or team content from anywhere.  The Xerox® Digital Mailroom Service helps automate the capture of all incoming mail and correspondence—whether delivered on paper, in an email or via fax—at the point of origination, then delivers structured electronic information to business processes systems and remote workers.”

Read full BLI article View award certificate

Innsikter om Managed Print-tjenester

Utforsk PDF-er, videoer, infografikker og mer om dette emnet.

Gold stars on a black background

Keypoint Intelligence — Buyers Lab, Inc. (BLI) Line of the Year and Pick Awards

Xerox® DocuShare® and ConnectKey® Apps helped us rise to the top during the 2020 winter awards season.

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