Automate Your Paper-to-Digital Workflow
Businesses have come a long way toward a paperless office. Yet almost every industry still depends on paper to some degree. You know paper’s limitations: it can’t be quickly searched or distributed. But it’s easy to misplace or destroy.
Our Enterprise Capture for DocuShare® service helps you eliminate paper, boost productivity and cut costs. It uses data capture to turn documents into easily searchable digital files. This helps you automate approvals and other processes, and share extracted information with back-end systems.
DocuShare Additional Resources
Enterprise Content Management Insights
Explore PDFs, videos, infographics and more on this topic.
Powiązane Artykuły
Wielkie przedsięwzięcie w pewnym kraju
Xerox pomaga gromadzić, przechowywać i analizować dane demograficzne w Bangladeszu, by umożliwić władzom kierowanie usług socjalnych do najbardziej potrzebujących.
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The Verdict on Xerox® DocuShare®
Discover how a prominent law firm maximises efficiency with Xerox DocuShare, an advanced electronic file storage and management solution. Streamlining the organisation of research files and case documents for quick retrieval.
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services case study
See how the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services overhauled forms and claims processing with greater security using Xerox® DocuShare®, reducing claims processing time by 90%.
Ensure Key Information is Safe and Accessible
How confident are you that your organisation is compliant with all industry regulations?
Banking Made Better
See how Volksbank Romania used Xerox® DocuShare® to provide a better banking experience to their customers.