Every Penny Saved with Xerox® Managed Print Services Is a Penny More for Serving Harrow Residents
Harrow Council, in north London, wanted to further reduce printing costs, print even less and work more flexibly. Read the case study to see how we delivered.
With Xerox MPS providing the right number and mix of multifunction printers (MFPs), Harrow Council is saving money and cutting down on printing. Now they are primed for achieving a paper-light office and more flexible working. These savings and efficiencies can help Harrow better serve residents.
Harrow Council case study highlights:
Printer fleet down by two-thirds, from 363 to 115
30% reduction in annual contract costs, from £360,000 to £240,000
Additional 20% savings achieved through:
21% cut in black-and-white printing (from 14.1 million to 11.1 million pages)
42% cut in colour printing (from 2.4 million to 1.4 million pages)
Further click rate reductions at contract extension
Increased security of confidential information with pull printing
Reductions in the cost of printing and posting letters
More agile and cost-effective process for sending letters to residents through Xerox Hybrid Mail Service
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Usługi zarządzania drukiem
Oferujemy cały pakiet usług zarządzania drukiem (MPS), obejmujący ocenę stanowisk pracy i zarządzanie drukiem, jak również wspomaganie transformacji cyfrowej.
Usługi zarządzania wydrukiem - zasoby
Usługi zarządzania wydrukiem - analizy
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IESE Business School Case Study
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Managed Print Services (MPS) Premier Webinar
Join us for a Xerox Premier Webinar to learn how to create a more agile, future-ready workplace.