Paper-to-digital transformation guide
A hands-on guide to reducing waste, improving processes and changing the way you work with documents
A Road Map for Paper-to-Digital Transformation
Revolutionise workflows, boost innovation and bolster security by digitising paper documents; We’ll show you how.
Digital disruption is remaking the modern enterprise. Radical rethinking of technology and processes is fueling unprecedented innovation and growth for organisations bold enough to break with the past.
Turning your organisation’s paper documents and forms into digital content delivers crucial benefits:
Innovation: Classify, search, analyse and mine digital documents for business intelligence insights that foster innovation and drive competitive advantage.
Security: Secure critical data in ways not possible with legacy paper documents. Apply policy-driven integrity, confidentiality and compliance controls to digitised documents to safeguard your organisation’s most sensitive information.
Efficiency: Digitisation lets you redefine workflows. Sharing, forwarding and collaborating with digital documents drives down costs, ramps up productivity, speeds decision-making and changes the way business gets done.
Let us show you how Xerox helps drive digital transformation in your organisation. Our hands-on guide features real-world experiences, best practices, interactive assessments and actionable advice for successful paper-to-digital conversion initiatives.
Download a copy of the Paper-to-digital Transformation Workbook
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Serviços de gestão de impressão
Oferecemos um conjunto de capacidades de serviços de gestão de impressão (MPS), incluindo avaliações do local de trabalho, gestão da impressão e transformação digital.
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