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Industry Publications and Print Providers Agree - Versant Delivers a Competitive Advantage

2018 Press of the Year
BLI Pro Award Colour Light Production
Xerox® Versant® 180 Press

ProPrintPerfromance says Versant 180 Press prints and finishes booklets nearly three times faster than Canon imagePRESS C850!

BLI tested 12 different customer applications, with the Versant Presses scoring an average of 81% of the expected performance—among the highest in the industry.

BLI rates Versant 180 five stars for productivity, calling out its advantage over competitors.

Image Test Labs grades Versant as a "Top Performer for Image Quality", and "Best in Class on Total Colour, Lines and Text".

ProPrintPerformance rates Versant 3100 a whopping 49 times faster than Ricoh C9110 when handling mixed media and 5 times faster than Konica Minolta bizhub PRESS C1100!

Versant 180 retains over 94% of its rated speed in BLI’s field test when switching between light and heavy uncoated and coated media. Competitors weighed in at 7.1% and 68.4%.

BLI calls Versant 3100 the above average choice for mid to large-size print shops looking for quality and dependability.

On ProPrintPerformance’s sample 50-page mixed-media/stapled report job, Versant 180 was 100% faster than the Konica Minolta AccurioPress C2070 and 123% faster than the Ricoh Pro C7110!

Which Xerox® Versant® Press is right for you?
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