Corporate Social Responsibility
Leading responsibly as a global citizen is an inextricable part of our heritage, and we uphold the highest ideals of integrity, innovation and excellence in all we do. We turn investments in innovation into technology and services that help our clients be more productive, profitable and sustainable. We do this with the same core values our founder established decades ago. Learn more about how we conduct business ethically and in an environmentally and socially conscious manner to help our clients, empower our people and protect our planet.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
CSR Annual ReportProgress Summary
CSR Executive SummaryCSR Report Infographic
How We Report
GRI Index
See how Xerox aligns with the GRI Standards framework set forth by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
SASB Report
See how Xerox addresses key areas defined by Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Sustainable Industry Classification System™.
TCFD Report
See our Task Force on Climate Change Disclosures.
At A Glance
goal year for achieving net zero emissions
recorded volunteer hours
new, eligible products registered with Energy Star® and EPEAT
of employees participate in an Employee Resource Group
metric tons of equipment and parts waste diverted from landfill
metric tons GHG saved with remote service powered by CareAR and AI

EPA recunoaște Xerox pentru leadership în domeniul sustenabilității
Iată cum vă pot ajuta programele inovatoare de la Xerox să asigurați o lume mai bună pentru generațiile viitoare.

Corporate Knights' List of Most Sustainable Corporations
Corporate Knights recognised Xerox among most sustainable corporations. Learn more about why our sustainability goals and net-zero roadmap put Xerox ahead of nearly 7,000 other companies on the list.

Xerox primește cea mai înaltă distincție a Programului ENERGY STAR®
Xerox are onoarea de a fi primit premiul Partenerul Anului 2024 ENERGY STAR®. [în limba engleză]

Xerox primește sigiliul Terra Carta al ASR Prințul de Wales
Xerox este recunoscută în rândul companiilor globale pentru încurajarea inovației și demonstrarea angajamentului său față de crearea unor piețe sustenabile și alinierea cu ambițiile planului de recuperare Terra Carta. [în limba engleză]

Our Commitments
We fully embrace our social and environmental responsibilities, and we are committed to conducting business in ways that positively impact the world.
Materiality at Xerox
Xerox assesses corporate social responsibility topics that are important to our stakeholders and those where we can have the greatest economic, social, and environmental impact at local, regional, and global levels. We update our materiality assessment every two to three years on average. In 2023, Xerox engaged a third party to lead us through a double materiality impact assessment See detailed information about the process, the list of material topics and key insights and observations.