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Xerox Once Again Named One of the '100 Best Corporate Citizens'

Xerox was named one of the 100 Best Corporate Citizens for 2022 by 3BL Media, which recognises outstanding Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) transparency and performance among the 1,000 largest publicly traded U.S. companies. Xerox ranked in the top 5 of the technology and hardware industry, with the likes of Apple, HP, and Cisco.

Xerox is also one of only 19 companies to rank in the 100 best each year since 2009. “Making this list for the past 13 years highlights Xerox’s consistent commitment to being an industry pioneer and leader in ESG,” said Michele Cahn, vice president, Global Government Affairs, Sustainability, Citizenship & Compliance.

The 2022 ranking methodology rates companies on eight pillars — employees, climate change, environment, stakeholders and society, human rights, ESG performance, and financial — containing 155 factors. Factors look for specific ESG disclosures, including data, management approach, performance, policies and codes, strategy, and targets.

Building with trees.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Behaving responsibly as a global citizen is an inextricable part of our heritage, and we uphold the highest ideals of integrity, innovation and excellence in all we do.

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