How Xerox® DocuShare® Helped a 99-Year-Old Furniture Maker Digitise 500,000 Documents
Change is hard when you’ve been around as long as Fairfield Chair. But the company knew it needed to transform its workplace processes to stay on top in the digital age.
As one Fairfield Chair employee described it, “we were drowning in paper.” And they were.
The 99-year-old, family-run furniture maker based in Lenoir, North Carolina, had an entire office floor full of more than 150 filing cabinets. The answers to many important customer questions were in there somewhere, but they weren’t easy to find and share. Employees routinely had to put callers on hold, walk to another floor to search for the document, then walk back to the phone to answer certain questions.
While the company is rooted in tradition—many of its 425 employees are second or third generation—it was time for change.
Fairfield Chair turned to Xerox to help them move from an analog to digital system. "Our motto really isn’t about being paperless, it’s about using paperless," says Jeremy Lukovich, VP Sales, Xerox DocuShare. "We help our customers digitise and automate their workplace processes." Xerox® DocuShare® allows users to scan papers into a central content management system in the cloud where the documents can be measured, managed, and securely stored for users to access.
By digitising 500,000 documents, Fairfield Chair was able to get rid of those filing cabinets and reduce its reliance on a paper filing system. They integrated six different departments on one platform and freed up 40% of the floor space to make room for new staff members. “We were able to get rid of one hundred and sixty-five file cabinets,” says Fairfield Chair CFO Jamie White.
With instant access to information online, Fairfield Chair employees can now respond to customers faster and the company has reduced its print costs by 35 to 40%.
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