Making Reinsurance Less Complex with Xerox® DocuShare®
When a serious policy document backlog made it difficult for Arig to provide the best possible experience for their clients, they turned to Xerox® DocuShare® for help.
With Xerox® DocuShare®, Arig can find files instantly. This makes processing move faster and lets them serve clients better.
Quick and easy document indexing, search and retrieval
Improved processing and client response time
Drastic reduction in off-site paper storage
See how you can manage your content and processes more effectively with Xerox® DocuShare®.
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Articole Asemănătoare
Studiu de caz despre procesul bancar
Vedeți cum una dintre cele mai mari bănci din Brazilia a utilizat Serviciile Xerox® pentru conturi furnizori pentru a simplifica procesele, a automatiza plățile și a crea o soluție mai sustenabilă prin eliminarea formularelor pe hârtie.
How Xerox® DocuShare® helped Arbet Aménagement transform its way of working
Find out how Xerox® DocuShare® enterprise content management software helped Arbet Aménagement to revolutionize their document retrieval processes.
Information redesign banks client £270,000 in cost savings
Discover how Xerox transformed operations for a UK merchant banking group, expertly automating and optimizing their workflows to achieve enhancements in efficiency and performance.
Ensure Key Information is Safe and Accessible
How confident are you that your organisation is compliant with all industry regulations?
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services case study
See how the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services overhauled forms and claims processing with greater security using Xerox® DocuShare®, reducing claims processing time by 90%.
From days to minutes – how Xerox services shortened the credit granting process
See how a major player in retail financing used Xerox's automation to increase efficiency and prevent fraud.