Gain All the Benefits of ECM — Now in the Cloud
Now you can get everything that’s great about our DocuShare® content management system — like one-step capture, automated workflows and mobile access to information — all in a cloud environment.
Xerox® DocuShare® Private Cloud Service empowers workers and supports bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies, while also enabling easy, secure, online collaboration with customers, partners and the public.
Read the brochure to see how DocuShare Private Cloud delivers secure, cloud-based content management.
Ensure Key Information is Safe and Accessible
How confident are you that your organization is compliant with all industry regulations?
Xerox® ConnectKey® for DocuShare®
Enter a highly productive scanning solution that's easy to set up and use.
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Opinii privind managementul conținutului societăților
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Articole Asemănătoare
Servicii bancare mai bune
Vedeți cum a utilizat Volksbank România Xerox® DocuShare® pentru a oferi clienților săi o mai bună experiență bancară.
Unul dintre angajamentele masive ale țării
Cum a ajutat Xerox guvernul din Bangladesh să captureze, să stocheze și să analizeze datele demografice ale populației, pentru ca țara să poată oferi mai eficient servicii sociale celor care aveau nevoie de ele.
Xerox este numită Linia software a anului de către Buyers Lab
Aplicațiile Xerox® DocuShare® și ConnectKey® ne-au ajutat să ne ridicăm în fruntea topului în sezonul de premii din iarna anului 2020.
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services case study
See how the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services overhauled forms and claims processing with greater security using Xerox® DocuShare®, reducing claims processing time by 90%.
Digitising and Securing Property Records
Find out how Xerox helped Bahrain's Survey & Land Registration Bureau to create their digital archiving system and optimize document lifecycle management.
Ensure Key Information is Safe and Accessible
How confident are you that your organisation is compliant with all industry regulations?